Maximizing Positive Impact
Positive social and environmental impact is built-in to every event experience we design.
While traditional event operators are beginning to embrace aspects of environmental sustainability along their supply chain, Impact Traveller has made its mission t adopt an “integrated” approach to maximize the social and environmental impact of your travel with us.
We understand your environmental, social, and governance (ESG) objectives, align our activities per your objectives, and provide you with credible, standardized “Impact Statement” to support your internal reporting on ESG aspects to your investors and stakeholders.
Beyond this, we align your impact with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as articulated in the SDGs, to communicate the long-term sustainable value of your event, while driving positive outcomes for your business, the destination, and the environment.

Maximizing Social Impact
Supporting our destination communities is not merely a CSR objective for us, it is foundational to our business model.
For every piece of our business, we donate 10% of our program revenue (excluding airfare), in collaboration with our clients, to a cause supporting the most vulnerable women, children and men in our destinations.
The 10% is material, measureable and transparent. Equally important, it’s a guaranteed amount that enables our non-profit beneficiaries to undertake projects without funding risk.
We collaborate with leading foundations and non-profits tackling some of the world’s biggest challenges and opportunities. These organizations help us not only understand topics of great importance to humanity, but also make a positive impact by uplifting the most vulnerable communities in our destinations.
Beneficiaries are audited for financial and outcome integrity, and adhere to strict reporting and compliance standards (e.g. to FCPA).

Maximizing Environmental Impact
Traveling sustainably is about awareness, measurement, and commitment.
The first step toward change is awareness. For every major event planning decision, we present the options to not only capture the traditional costs and benefits, but also the social and environmental impacts, including carbon emissions and supply chain.
We then recommend a course of action that maximises positive impacts, and minimises and offsets negative impacts.
As with the built-in donation, our objective is to make it easy for you to commit to our better, more sustainable alternative.
Good governance is key in advancing our mission, providing oversight for our core activities and supply chain negotiations, and maximizing our social and environmental impact. Our impact-focused model requires us to operate with complete transparency. We wouldn’t have it any other way.

Measuring Impact
We all know that we can’t move what we can’t measure. That’s why we peg the built-in donation to our programs’ purchase price. Doing so, makes it easily measurable.
After the program is finalized, we understand your organization’s ESG objectives and existing relationships with relevant non-profits, if any. Upon thorough due-diligence of the fitting nonprofit and foundations in the destination, we present to you a selection of projects to pick from. We initiate an “impact kick-off conversation” at this point to contextualize the alignment, address your concerns, and guide your choice.
Post travel, we measure the social and environmental impact of your program and create your Impact Statement - a simple, graphical articulation of your impact that makes it easy to share how your event has changed lives.
Compliant to international reporting standards and aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs), the Impact Statement is designed for effortless implementation into ESG/ sustainability reporting.